Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Adventures of Kevin Bacon

This is sure to be a recurring post.  This little devil is always doing something "post-worthy" that others would most likely find to be interesting.  It depends on exactly what he has done as to whether Grady and I think it is funny...

Kevin sleeps in the bottom of a pet carrier, all rooted up in an old moving blanket.  These are all of the pieces from Kevin's bed that I have been sweeping up.

And this is why I have had to sweep up all of those little navy pieces of blanket.  Crazy pig. 

So now he has new blankets for the second time since Thanksgiving.  And he seems quite happy.  You might say he is in hog heaven.  Or a pig-in-a-blanket.  We've heard them all. 

*Sorry about having to turn your head sideways!  I can't get that picture to post correctly!  UGH!

Why not?

I have been toying with the idea of creating a farm blog for some time now .  Sure, I used to have a classroom blog when I was teaching, but do we even have enough interesting things in our lives to post about?  Things that people would actually take the time to read?!

Why not?  Everyone is always asking about our animals and we don't have any children yet to talk about, why not give it a whirl? 

So here it is.  I can't promise it will be updated daily but if you have a few moments that you would like to fill with something random, check out what we have going on.  :)