Sunday, April 22, 2012

Tuesday, April 17, 2012




We sold two of our donkeys this past weekend.  I needed more loss around here like I needed a hole in my head.  ;)

A portion of the reason I was injured last week was due to the fact that we had two jack donkeys in neighboring fields with only a small electric fence separating them.  They loved to taunt each other - and get together for a brawl at every opportunity.  So somebody had to go...

Donkeys are very social animals and I knew I couldn't sell one by themselves (great sale tactic, huh?)  So Noel and Winston now live somewhere else.  But they are together.  And pretty happy I hear.

And there's a donkey sale in Mt. Airy this weekend...

Just sayin'.  :)

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Cute Shot of the Week

Houston has been enjoying the warm sunshine this week...

Hope you have too!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012



Accidents are bound to happen on a farm.  Something about animals having a will of their own mixing with heavy machinery.  We are fortunate that most injuries have been minor - but this time it was me on the receiving end!

As we were trying to move some stock to a different field, I was knocked down by one of our jacks.  Of course it would have helped if I had let go of his neck.  ;) 

Thanks to my claw clip, I now have a nice inch-long gash in the back of my head.  As my RN sister said, "your head is pretty vascular."  Translation:  it bleeds A LOT. 

I was a big baby - second time this week - but thankfully Grady can remain calm in stressful situations. 

I stalled going to the ER because the thought of shaving a part of my head for stitches was too unbearable.  {Told you I was a baby.}  So I went to the doctor today and she said I will be fine.  Just keep it clean and it should heal up on its own.  Especially with the dose of antibiotics she gave me since a nice fresh cow pie "cushioned" my fall.

I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried.

Monday, April 9, 2012


...and don't hold your breath waiting on the after!

I started a new project this weekend.  And by started I mean I painted two strips of wood.  :)

We have this shed/dog pen in our backyard that I think is an eyesore.  It is cleverly designed to house some yard tools while at the same time giving three of our dogs a warm place to sleep.  But it is ugly.  Major distraction from the natural beauty in my backyard.  I'll let the photos speak for themselves:

Hideous, right?  It kind of matches the house colors, but not really.  I grabbed those barrells of hostas from the trailer to camoflage the uglyiness until I could put some serious time in updating this thing.  In a way I think that made it worse.

After much pondering and Pinterest searching - I have a plan! 

Taking a page from my style guru Stacy London, "It doesn't have to match, it just has to go,"  I purchased these lovely shades this weekend to start the major update.  The building itself will be the deep purple, while the trim will be the hunter green shade. 

I painted two boards yesterday and I can't wait to start on the rest - but wait, as with any project we do around here, it has become something bigger.  Grady uttered those dreaded words..."I think we need to dig the bank out a little bit more in the front."

UH-OH!  This means the project is on hold indefinitely because he will be digging up my backyard and spreading dust everywhere.  I would love to have the goal of a Memorial Day completion, but knowing us, it will probably be more like July 4.  

Friday, April 6, 2012

So long old friend...

Today is a tough day on the farm.  We decided it was time to put our 13 year-old black lab to sleep.  He has cancer in his mouth and after having it removed once, the vet advised us to let him live happily as long as he could since another surgery would not be successful. 

And of course I am a big chicken.  I made Grady take him to the vet while I sit here and bawl my eyes out.  He was such a great dog, and as most people say about their four-legged friends, he was a part of our family. 

So today we will pick out a special place in the woods near Dud and Jaycee where he can rest in peace. 

Photo from our 2007 Christmas Card.