Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Cool Coincidence

Grady and I love estate auctions.  Actually it goes more like this:  Grady finds an auction he wants to go to.  I complain about it, but go anyway.  I end up purchasing more things than he does. 

It happens everytime. 

So a few weeks ago when he said he wanted to go to an auction for a goose-neck trailer, of course I complained. 

And came home with more things than he did.  :)

But the coincidence came when some guns were being auctioned off and I heard someone mention my late father-in-law.  I couldn't make out what was being said about him, but quickly informed Grady that we needed to pay attention.  The auctioneer then proceeded to read the little name-plate on the gun which had my father-in-law's name and address engraved on it. 


Arnold was a big trapper and Grady thinks this was one of the guns he took trapping when he was younger.  It is not a fancy gun, but it was Arnold's and that makes it worth more than what we paid for it. 

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Monday, May 7, 2012

The Adventures of Kevin Bacon continued...

The welcome rainfall a few weeks ago made for a super-happy pig. 


Plus this...

Equals this.